MEDCHEL: In an unfortunate a 10-year-old girl was found missing in Medchal-Malkajgiri and triggered panic among her parents and locals. The incident took place in Jawahar Nagar in Medchal-Malkajgiri on Thursday. According to the sources, a girl studying fourth class at ZPHS in Dammaiguda reached school on Thursday morning and left her classroom keeping her bag in the class. Her classmates said that she left the class citing she is going to a nearby park. Later, her class teacher found she was missing in the classroom and informed to her parents. The school principal and her parents lodged a complaint at police station.
After receiving a complaint from parents and the school principal, the police reached the spot and indulged in search operations. The CCTV footage showed the girl walking on the street towards the pond. The police found the dead body of the girl in the pond and shifted her to the hospital for postmortem. Her family members and villagers are raising doubts over her death and suspecting that the ganja batch in Jawahar Nagar is behind her death. The police registered a case and an investigation is underway.